Printwaste hops into the animal bedding market


Here at Printwaste, we’re always on the lookout for new opportunities to help keep our planet healthy. Over the last few months, we’ve been working hard on a new product, and are very excited to announce that it is now ready! So, without further ado, let us introduce you to… Hop & Squeak

animal bedding market

Primarily for small animals, such as hamsters, gerbils and rabbits, Hop & Squeak is an eco-friendly alternative to standard animal bedding. And you’ll never guess what it’s made of – the off-cuts of tea bags! At Printwaste, we already recycle those off-cuts into paper-based materials, so we thought, why not also help out our little furry friends and give them a warm, comfortable and environmentally-friendly home to live in. After conducting months of research and testing, this idea has become a reality.




But how on earth do we turn tea bag off-cuts into animal bedding, you ask? It’s simpler than you might think. Firstly, we collect the baled-up off-cuts from our customers, and transport them to our high-security shredding facility at Commerce House, Cheltenham. Once here, the bales are unfastened, separated and fed through our dual shredding machine. And hey presto, we have animal bedding! Our team then packs the bedding into its 100% recyclable packaging, before distributing it out to customers.

The tea bag material is soft and fluffy, so super comfortable for your pets and perfect for burrowing. And the bedding is two times more absorbent than wood shavings, so has very effective odour control.  But, most of all, you get the double reassurance that your pet is happy, and you’re helping the planet at the same time.

With our announcement done, we’re now ready to get our ‘hop’ on and start distributing to customers. We currently have 1 kg bags available, suitable for a variety of small animals. And, for those of you looking for something a little bigger, keep an eye out, as we’re working on producing more sizes for more animals in the near future.

If you would like to purchase a bag of Hop & Squeak or know someone who would, please get in touch with us today on 01242 588600 or


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