Over the past 10 weeks, we’ve showcased our range of total waste management services – hopefully leaving you thinking, “I didn’t know you did that!”. This week’s issue focuses on some of the most obscure objects we’ve ever collected. So, let’s get quirky and see what the last 38 years has brought us…
Top Four Most Obscure
1. Dummies – Imported from the Far East, these dummies failed the CE safety test (the rubber teats could come off when sucked, potentially causing choking to babies). Consequently, Trading Standards issued them removed from the market. Our team of security-vetted staff did just that by shredding the counterfeit dummies.
2. Saxophone – Whilst emptying an old office, our team spotted a dusty saxophone in the corner. Rather than disposing of the instrument to the metal waste bin, Simon Austin, one of our BDMs and keen saxophone player, recognised the make and later sold the sax to a music shop. Now that’s what we call reuse!
3. The Mary Celeste – When Stoke-on-Trent’s Spode closed down, we were appointed to shred all paperwork on site. Our team entered every office and emptied desks, filing cabinets, cupboards and store rooms of paper. Vacated at short notice, old cups of coffee were still visible and it felt like the Mary Celeste – very eerie! The job took three days, with 14 tonnes of paper collected.
4. 12 Tonnes of Crushed CDs – 12 one-tonne sacks of crushed CDs were left in a derelict building, recently bought by a landlord. The landlord’s agent contacted us, asking if we could collect the sacks within 48 hours. Due to the short notice, no other waste companies were interested – but that’s not how we work at Printwaste. The goods were inspected on day one, collected on day two, and all materials were successfully recycled.
Whatever the waste, we’ll find you a solution
Collecting random items, like the ones above, completely embodies our zero waste to landfill ethos at Printwaste. With our can-do attitude, we’ll make sure we find a bespoke solution for you – whatever the waste! And, if we can’t, we’ll find someone who can. So, whether you’re looking to improve the security of sensitive documents through our confidential waste destruction service, maximise your recycling performance, or increase your environmental footprint, contact Printwaste today.