This down to earth business approach has attracted praise and pragmatic support from leading environmental groups, marking a turning point in their relationship with retailers. Many of those groups say that retail is where the innovation is coming from. They are working to understand business realities and acknowledging the gains from replacing criticism with collaboration.
For example, contributing to the BRC report, the Carbon Trust said: “It’s clear that the retail industry is taking climate change seriously.” While Forum for the Future said: “This report is important as it signals a retail sector that is aware……that ‘business as usual’ won’t secure the future prosperity of UK retail.”
The BRC-led project, A Better Retailing Climate was launched in 2008. It committed businesses representing the majority of the UK retail market to sector-wide environmental ambitions.
The new assessment, A Better Retailing Climate: Towards Sustainable Retail, is the BRC’s third report on progress against the original commitments. It is being launched in the House of Commons today (Tuesday 31 January 2012).
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