“I didn’t know you did that!” sounds like a cliché, but as a company dedicated to comprehensive waste management solutions, even we hear these words from time to time. That’s why we’re excited to introduce our latest service – Waste-to-Energy.
Available across Gloucestershire & the Cotswolds, Waste to Energy is a service for collection of general waste, but rather than going to landfill, the waste is used to generate electricity for the national grid. The process has some impressive benefits. Not only does it improve your green credentials, boosting your business’ reputation, but it also provides a cost effective alternative to sending your waste to landfill, significantly reducing landfill taxes. Find out more about Waste-to-Energy here.
Did you know we can certify you as a ‘Zero Waste to Landfill’ business?
‘Waste-to-Energy’ is part of our commitment to responsible waste management and sustainable business practices. If you choose Printwaste as your sole waste management provider we can help certify your business as a ‘zero waste to landfill’ organisation and proudly award you with a Printwaste “Zero to Landfill Achievement” certificate.
SuperDry joined us – so can you!
“As a global brand we at Superdry are very conscious of our environmental footprint and strive to reduce this wherever possible. We are therefore delighted to partner with Printwaste Recycling & Shredding and make use of their innovative Zero Waste to Landfill service. This service along with Printwaste’s flexible and proactive approach to waste and recycling will allow us to greatly reduce our waste impact over the coming months.”
– Paul Thomas, Energy and Environment Manager at SuperDry