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Packaging Recycling

Our reliance on packaging

From cardboard boxes filled with polystyrene to microwaveable meals in black trays, packaging is everywhere. It protects, preserves and helps to safely transport products from one place to the next. We couldn’t be without it.

But, recently, packaging has had a lot of bad press, with companies coming under scrutiny for using materials that are either non-recyclable or in excess. And, ultimately, these materials are ending up in landfill.

It can be recycled

At Printwaste, we are 100% committed to preventing this from happening. Yes, some packaging isn’t currently recyclable, but so much of it is. And, with supermarkets and retailers becoming more and more sustainable by the minute, hopefully it won’t be long until all packaging is recyclable.

In the meantime, we’re working with UK businesses to get the most out of their packaging waste. In our eyes, these materials are a resource, so it’s important we start treating them like one. We support businesses to see the value in this waste, tap into its potential and choose the most eco-friendly route for it to go on.

Our Service. Your Solution.

The term “packaging” refers to so many different materials, it can seem a little daunting but we can help. But this is where we come in.

  • We will advise you on the best solution for your packaging waste.
  • We’ll happily take those large, bulk quantities of packaging (e.g. cardboard, polythene, shrink-wrap, bubble wrap and polystyrene) off your hands and give you your much-needed space back.
  • We’ll also find you a secure, practical and robust storage solution to protect these materials prior to collection.

If you’re looking for a product-specific solution, the below pages focus on some of the most common forms of packaging in more depth:

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Polystyrene (Plastic)

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Polythene & Polyethylene (Plastic)

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Metals (Aluminium & Steel)

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How we add value to your business…

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We will help you boost your resource and your recycling rates.

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We will divert your packaging from landfill.

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We will help you contribute towards a circular economy.

Printwaste’s Quick and Easy Recycling Service

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Join the 1000’s of businesses who rely on Printwaste to look after their business recycling and confidential shredding needs.

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